Product Strategies

The Market Transformation Programme produces Policy Briefs, which set out the meansures required to reduce the environmental impact of products.  These Policy Briefs are public consultation documents that inform UK Government decisions on product policy. 

MTP also generates Briefing Notes.  These explanatory documents provide background information to the Policy Briefs:

  • Rationales and definitions used to construct the Policy Briefs
  • Assumptions made to model the impact of potential policy measures
  • Details of new and emerging technology
  • Results of energy efficiency product testing

Policy Briefs for energy using products are currently under review following publication of the Government's Energy White Paper on 23 May 2007 and have therefore been withdrawn from this website. Policy Briefs for water using products and building products remain available. Choose a category to view a detailed list of related documents. 

Viewing: Documents of Product Strategies

Policy Brief Name Published Aspects